Source code for flakeheaven.commands._plugins

# app
from .._constants import NAME, VERSION, ExitCode
from .._logic import colored, get_installed, get_plugin_rules
from .._patched import FlakeHeavenApplication
from .._types import CommandResult

[docs]def plugins_command(argv) -> CommandResult: """Show all installed plugins, their codes prefix, and matched rules from config. """ app = FlakeHeavenApplication(program=NAME, version=VERSION) plugins = sorted(get_installed(app=app), key=lambda p: p['name']) if not plugins: return ExitCode.NO_PLUGINS_INSTALLED, 'no plugins installed' name_width = max(len(p['name']) for p in plugins) version_width = max(8, max(len(p['version']) for p in plugins)) codes_width = max(6, max(len(' '.join(p['codes'])) for p in plugins)) template = '{name} | {version} | {codes} | {rules}' print(template.format( name=colored('NAME'.ljust(name_width), 'yellow'), version=colored('VERSION'.ljust(version_width), 'yellow'), codes=colored('CODES'.ljust(codes_width), 'yellow'), rules=colored('RULES', 'yellow'), )) showed = set() for plugin in plugins: # Plugins returned by get_installed are unique by name and type. # We are not showing type, so, let's show one name only once. if plugin['name'] in showed: continue showed.add(plugin['name']) rules = get_plugin_rules( plugin_name=plugin['name'], plugins=app.options.plugins, ) colored_rules = [] for rule in rules: if rule[0] == '+': rule = colored(rule, 'green') elif rule[0] == '-': rule = colored(rule, 'red') colored_rules.append(rule) color = 'green' if rules else 'red' print(template.format( name=colored(plugin['name'].ljust(name_width), color), version=plugin['version'].ljust(version_width), codes=', '.join(plugin['codes']).ljust(codes_width), rules=', '.join(colored_rules), )) return ExitCode.OK, ''