Source code for flakeheaven._cli

# built-in
import sys
from typing import List, NoReturn

# app
from ._constants import ExitCode
from ._logic import colored
from ._types import CommandResult
from .commands import COMMANDS

[docs]def show_commands(): for name, function in sorted(COMMANDS.items()): desc = function.__doc__.split('\n', maxsplit=1)[0] print('{name} | {desc}'.format( name=colored(name.ljust(9), 'green'), desc=desc, ))
[docs]def main(argv: List[str] = None) -> CommandResult: if not argv: show_commands() return ExitCode.NO_COMMAND, 'No command provided' command_name = argv[0] if command_name in ('help', '--help', 'commands'): show_commands() return ExitCode.OK, '' if command_name not in COMMANDS: show_commands() return ExitCode.INVALID_COMMAND, 'Invalid command: {}'.format(command_name) return COMMANDS[command_name](argv=argv[1:])
[docs]def entrypoint(argv: List[str] = None) -> NoReturn: """Default entrypoint for CLI (flakeheaven). """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] exit_code, msg = main(argv) if msg: print(colored(msg, 'red')) sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]def flake8_entrypoint(argv: List[str] = None) -> NoReturn: """Entrypoint with the same behavior as flake8 (flake8heavened) """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] exit_code, msg = main(['lint'] + argv) if msg: print(colored(msg, 'red')) if isinstance(exit_code, ExitCode): exit_code = exit_code.value sys.exit(exit_code)