# Formatters Formatters make errors output nice. Available formatters: + `colored` -- for humans. + `gitlab` -- Gitlab CI [Code Quality artifact](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/code_quality.html). + `grouped` -- also colored, but all messages are explicitly grouped by file. + `json` -- no colors, only one json-dict per line for every error. + `stat` -- show errors count for every code, grouped by plugins. + `default` -- classic Flake8 formatter. Booooring. Also, you can specify `show_source = true` in the config to show line of source code where error occurred with syntax highlighting. ## Colored ```toml [tool.flakeheaven] format = "colored" ``` ![output of colored formatter](../assets/colored.png) ## Colored with source code ```toml [tool.flakeheaven] format = "colored" show_source = true ``` ![output of colored formatter with source code](../assets/colored-source.png) ## Grouped ```toml [tool.flakeheaven] format = "grouped" ``` ![output of grouped formatter](../assets/grouped.png) ## Grouped with source code ```toml [tool.flakeheaven] format = "grouped" show_source = true ``` ![output of grouped formatter with source code](../assets/grouped-source.png) ## Stat ```toml [tool.flakeheaven] format = "stat" ``` ![output of stat formatter](../assets/stat.png) ## JSON ```toml [tool.flakeheaven] format = "json" ``` ![output of json formatter](../assets/json.png) ## Gitlab Output [Code Quality](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/code_quality.html) artifact compatible with Gitlab CI. ```toml [tool.flakeheaven] format = "gitlab" ``` An example of Gitlab CI job (`.gitlab-ci.yml`): ```yaml flakeheaven: image: python:3.7 script: - pip3 install flakeheaven - flakeheaven lint --format=gitlab --output-file flakeheaven.json artifacts: reports: codequality: flakeheaven.json ```