Source code for flakeheaven.commands._missed
# app
from .._constants import NAME, VERSION, ExitCode
from .._logic._discover import NoPlugins, get_missing
from .._patched import FlakeHeavenApplication
from .._types import CommandResult
[docs]def missed_command(argv) -> CommandResult:
"""Show patterns from the config that has no matched plugin installed.
if argv and argv[0] == '--help':
return ExitCode.OK, ''
if argv:
return ExitCode.TOO_MANY_ARGS, 'the command does not accept arguments'
app = FlakeHeavenApplication(program=NAME, version=VERSION)
missing = get_missing(app)
except NoPlugins:
return ExitCode.NO_PLUGINS_INSTALLED, 'no plugins installed'
for pattern in missing:
return ExitCode.PLUGINS_MISSING, ''