# Parsers FlakeHeaven lints not only `*.py` files but also a number of additional formats: + [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) (`*.md`). + [ReStructuredText](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReStructuredText) (`*.rst`). + [Jupyter Notebook](https://jupyter.org/) (`*.ipynb`). + [pytest-mypy-plugins](https://github.com/typeddjango/pytest-mypy-plugins) tests (`*.yml`, `*.yaml`). For `md` and `rst` code block must have explicitly specified language, either [python](https://pygments.org/docs/lexers/#pygments.lexers.python.PythonLexer) or [pycon](https://pygments.org/docs/lexers/#pygments.lexers.python.PythonConsoleLexer). ## Ignored codes Parsers for `md`, `rst` and `yaml` ignore the following codes: + `E302` (`pycodestyle`): "expected %s blank lines, found %d" + `E303` (`pycodestyle`): "too many blank lines (%d)" + `E305` (`pycodestyle`): "expected %s blank lines after class or function definition, found %d" + `E402` (`pycodestyle`): "module level import not at top of file" The reason is that all code blocks are validated in-place, with commenting out everything else. So, after that code blocks can be closer or further than pycodestyle expects. ## Performance If you have performance issues because FlakeHeaven parses more files than needed, tune [ignore](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/options.html#cmdoption-flake8-ignore) to exclude specific files or directories, or [filename](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/options.html#cmdoption-flake8-filename) to exclude extensions. However, keep in mind that FlakeHeaven has a few hacks to be as fast as possible: 1. It caches results. Cache invalidates after 24 hours or if the configuration was changed. 1. It doesn't run plugins against files without code blocks. Or against empty `*.py` files. 1. It doesn't create temporary files, all the magic is done on the fly. So, most of the runs will be fast without any tuning.